The 2022 Ag Census, created by the USDA, collected 6M data points on producers, production, economics, and almost every aspect of agriculture you can imagine, and can give a helpful idea of what’s happening with the nation’s farmland, how policy is impacting the ag sector, and potential problems on the horizon. Below are the highlights of the census by California County.

Fresno County
State Agriculture Sales: 12%
Total Farms: 4,427
Market Value of Products Sold = $6.9B
Net Cash Farm Income = $1,433,184,000
Average Farm Size = 375 Acres
Total Farm Acres = 1,659,451
Top Crop in Sales = Milk ($3.7B)
Top Crops in Acres
Almonds = 295,721 Acres
Grapes = 160,324 Acres
Pistachios = 149,845 Acres
Vegetables = 115,481 Acres
Forage = 62,534 Acres
Ownership: 90% Family Farms
Tulare County
State Agriculture Sales: 11%
Total Farms: 3,713
Market Value of Products Sold = $6.3B
Net Cash Farm Income = $1,667,735,000
Average Farm Size = 353 Acres
Total Farm Acres = 1,310,768
Top Crop in Sales = Milk ($2.8B)
Top Crops in Acres
Forage = 145,392 Acres
Corn = 117,066 Acres
Oranges = 89,021 Acres
Almonds = 74,583 Acres
Pistachios = 57,544 Acres
Ownership: 87% Family Farms
Monterey County
State Agriculture Sales: 9%
Total Farms: 1,057
Market Value of Products Sold = $5.4B
Net Cash Farm Income = $1,649,216,000
Average Farm Size = 1,266 Acres
Total Farm Acres = 1,338,477
Top Crop in Sales = Vegetables ($3.7B)
Top Crops in Acres
Vegetables = 345,176 Acres
Lettuce = 178,744 Acres
Grapes = 57,017 Acres
Broccoli = 50,794 Acres
Spinach = 31,769 Acres
Ownership: 85% Family Farms
Kern County
State Agriculture Sales: 8%
Total Farms: 1,691
Market Value of Products Sold = $5.0B
Net Cash Farm Income = $1,041,613,000
Average Farm Size = 1,419 Acres
Total Farm Acres = 2,399,512
Top Crop in Sales = Fruit, Tree Nuts ($3.0B)
Top Crops in Acres
Almonds = 255,454 Acres
Pistachios = 170,057 Acres
Grapes = 95,424 Acres
Forage = 84,279 Acres
Vegetables = 61,939 Acres
Ownership: 85% Family Farms
Merced County
State Agriculture Sales: 7%
Total Farms: 2,047
Market Value of Products Sold = $3.98B
Net Cash Farm Income = $731,275,000
Average Farm Size = 426 Acres
Total Farm Acres = 872,326
Top Crop in Sales = Milk ($1.6B)
Top Crops in Acres
Almonds = 163,831 Acres
Forage = 135,156 Acres
Corn = 98,715 Acres
Vegetables = 64,464 Acres
Tomatoes = 34,369 Acres
Ownership: 89% Family Farms
Kings County
State Agriculture Sales: 4%
Total Farms: 862
Market Value of Products Sold = $2.1B
Net Cash Farm Income = $512,195,000
Average Farm Size = 688 Acres
Total Farm Acres = 593,199
Top Crops in Acres
Forage = 72,334 Acres
Almonds = 51,048 Acres
Pistachios = 49,948 Acres
Corn = 49,906 Acres
Cotton = 49,665 Acres
Ownership: 84% Family Farms
Madera County
State Agriculture Sales: 3%
Total Farms: 1,255
Market Value of Products Sold = $2.0B
Net Cash Farm Income = $425,427,000
Average Farm Size = 553 Acres
Total Farm Acres = 693,611
Top Crop in Sales = Fruit, Tree Nuts ($1.1B)
Top Crops in Acres
Almonds = 148,789 Acres
Grapes = 55,989 Acres
Pistachios = 51,601 Acres
Forage = 28,538 Acres
Corn = 21,400 Acres
Ownership: 86% Family Farms
For a full breakdown of each county, click here.