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California Crop Progress and Conditions Week Ending 5/21/23

Writer: by Sara VanderPoelby Sara VanderPoel

Information Sourced from the USDA


Average low temperatures for California ranged from 31 to 59 in the mountains, 45 to 61 along the coast, 45 to 74 in the desert, and 52 to 70 in the Central Valley. Average high temperatures for the state ranged from 47 to 88 in the mountains, 57 to 98 along the coast, 82 to 98 in the Central Valley, and 87 to 104 in the desert.

From the California Department of Water Resources, the snowpack water content in the Northern Sierra was 29.50 inches compared to 2.20 inches this date last year; Central Sierra was 35.30 inches compared to 1.70 inches this date last year; Southern Sierra was 33.70 inches compared to 0.30 inches this date last year.

Field Crops

In the northern mountains, growers in lower-elevation areas started cutting alfalfa and grass for hay. In the Sacramento Valley, some growers started their second cutting of alfalfa hay. Rice continued to be planted and emerged at a steady pace. Rice fields were sprayed with herbicide. In the San Joaquin Valley, alfalfa, wheat, and oats were harvested for silage and hay. Cotton and corn fields continued to be planted and some began emerging. Corn fields were sprayed for weeds.

Fruit Crops

Grape buds continued to open and leaf out. Some bloom clusters were present. Grapes were sprayed for weeds and mildew. Peach orchards were thinned and sprayed for weeds. Apricots and early peach varieties began to be harvested. Navel orange harvest slowed while Valencia orange harvest continued. Lemons, grapefruit, and mandarins continued to be picked and packed. Seedless varieties of mandarins were netted to prevent pollination. Kiwi growers placed bee apiaries in groves as kiwi vines started to leaf out and bloom. Dates continued to ripen. Cherry harvest began in some orchards. Olives were treated for nematodes. Apples were sprayed for fire blight. Blueberries were irrigated and early

harvest began in some areas. Strawberries continued to be picked.

Nut Crops

The weather became more stable, allowing growers to catch up on fertilizing and weeding orchards. Pistachios, walnuts, and pecans continued to mature. Some pistachio growers started small plant bug treatments to protect nutlets from damage. Meat fill continued in almonds. Almonds were treated for nematodes.


Asparagus harvest was winding down in the Sacramento Valley. The cherry tomato crop was delayed a few weeks due to late planting caused by wet conditions. In Stanislaus County, tomatoes and sweet potatoes were transplanted into fields. In San Mateo County, brussel sprout fields were fumigated. In Tulare County, cucumbers, zucchini, watermelon, cantaloupe, and leafy greens were planted. Sweet corn, eggplant, okra, peppers, and garlic were growing well. Onions and zucchini plants began to bloom.


Rangeland grasses and forbs flourished. Foothill rangeland and non-irrigated pasture were reported to be in good to excellent condition. Bees were active in kiwi vineyards and melon fields. Cattle grazed on lower elevation ranges. Sheep grazed on fallow fields, retired farmland, as well as land in need of fuel reduction for the purpose of fire prevention.

California Ag News, Delivered Weekly.


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