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California Crop Progress and Conditions Week Ending 7/2/23

Writer: by Sara VanderPoelby Sara VanderPoel

Information Sourced from the USDA // Photo Sourced on Unsplash


Average low temperatures for California ranged from 31 to 70 in the mountains, 49 to 67 along the coast, 50 to 81 in the desert, and 52 to 80 in the Central Valley. Average high temperatures for the state ranged from 47 to 96 in the mountains, 58 to 109 along the coast, 83 to 109 in the Central Valley, and 86 to 115 in the desert.

From the California Department of Water Resources as of June 30th, snowpack water content was 3.70 inches in the Northern Sierra, 3.40 inches in the Central Sierra, and 2.80 inches in the Southern Sierra.

Field Crops

Across the Central Valley, wheat was harvested and alfalfa was cut for hay and silage. Corn was emerging and growing rapidly. Herbicide and fertilizer were applied to corn, sorghum, and sudan grass fields. Producers prepared fields for excessive heat over the weekend. In the Sacramento Valley, herbicide and fertilizer continued to be applied to rice fields. In the San Joaquin Valley, cotton fields were starting to bloom. Moderate insect pressure was reported. Some cotton fields were treated for lygus bugs.

Fruit Crops

Grape vineyards were thinned to allow for sunlight exposure. Wine grapes were sprayed for weeds. Stone fruit harvest was in full swing as nectarines, plums, and peaches were being harvested. Late stone fruit varieties continued to develop as fruit began to form and field crews thinned trees. Some growers placed reflective tarps on the orchard floor to improve color in developing fruit. Apricot and cherry harvests neared completion. Citrus groves were treated for pests and weeds, and some trees were topped. Valencia orange harvest continued. Lemons, grapefruit, and mandarins continued to be picked and packed. Kiwi vineyards were tied and irrigated. Pomegranates continued to develop with bloom starting to taper off and fruit starting to set in some varieties. Apples continued to develop. Strawberry harvest came to an end in Tulare County with the high temperatures at the end of the week. Olive trees were trimmed.

Nut Crops

The almond crop continued to develop as meat fill was complete. Pistachios, walnuts, and pecans continued to mature. Pest and disease pressures have remained relatively low in most areas. Some walnut growers put a sun protectant on field edges before the expected extreme heat.


Across the Central Valley, processing tomatoes continued to grow. In Stanislaus County, sweet potatoes and sweet corn continued to grow with the benefit of warmer weather. Garlic and onion harvests were just beginning. In Tulare County, sweet corn and summer squash were sold at roadside stands and farmers’ markets. Summer vegetables were planted. Processing tomato fields continued to develop and were treated for pests. Broccoli, celery, lettuce, mushrooms, and cauliflower were harvested in the Salinas Valley. Carrot harvest continued in Kern County.


Triple digit temperatures promoted drying of rangeland vegetation. Foothill rangeland and non- irrigated pasture were reported to be in good condition. Bees were busy pollinating melon fields. Cattle grazed on lower elevation range and movement of stock upslope continued. Sheep grazed on fallow fields and retired farmland.

California Ag News, Delivered Weekly.


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