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California Crop Progress and Conditions Week Ending 7/31/23

Writer: by Sara VanderPoelby Sara VanderPoel

Information Sourced from the USDA // Photo Sourced on Unsplash


Average low temperatures for California ranged from 31 to 65 in the mountains, 47 to 71 along the coast, 57 to 93 in the desert, and 59 to 78 in the Central Valley. Average high temperatures for the state ranged from 47 to 90 in the mountains, 64 to 105 along the coast, 91 to 107 in the Central Valley, and 98 to 118 in the desert.

From the California Department of Water Resources as of July 31, snowpack water content was 0.00 inches in the Northern Sierra, Central Sierra, and Southern Sierra.

Field Crops

Across the Central Valley, alfalfa was harvested for silage and dried for hay. High temperatures caused a great need for increased irrigation. In the Sacramento Valley, wheat was harvested for hay and silage. Safflower was planted. In the San Joaquin Valley, cotton was blooming. Insect pressure impacted boll retention. Cotton producers continued to treat for lygus. The cotton crop remains behind schedule. Corn and Sudan grass fields were sprayed for weeds. Corn was sprayed for cutworm. Some corn for silage was prepared for harvest. Harvested grain fields were prepared and planted with corn and sorghum for silage.

Fruit Crops

Table grapes were harvested. Vineyards continued to be thinned to allow for additional sunlight exposure. Nectarines, peaches, and plums continued to be harvested. Some growers placed reflective tarps on orchard floors to improve color in developing fruit. Late stone fruit varieties continued to develop as field crews thinned trees. Kiwifruit vineyards were tied and irrigated. Apples, pears, pomegranates, and persimmons continued to develop. Some apples and pears were harvested. Olive trees were trimmed. Blueberries were harvested. Some blueberry fields with older plants were removed. Strawberry production was slowing down. Valencia oranges, lemons, grapefruit, and mandarins were picked and packed. Some orange trees were topped and skirted.

Nut Crops

The almond crop continued to develop. Hull split was widespread across the state. Some growers began orchard floor cleanup to prepare for harvest. Walnuts and pecans continued to mature. Pistachio meat fill continued. Some walnut growers started codling moth sprays and watched for mites.


In the Sacramento Valley, processing tomatoes were vine-trained to reduce damage during harvest. Cantaloupe harvest finished in the Imperial Valley and transitioned to the San Joaquin Valley. Watermelon and honeydew harvests continued with excellent quality and Brix levels. In Stanislaus County, sweet potatoes were sprayed for soil-borne disease. Garlic continued to dry in the field. Pumpkins and tomatoes continued to develop. In Tulare County, sweet corn, summer squash, cucumbers, peppers, and tomatoes were sold at local markets. Carrot harvest was in full swing in Kern County. Broccoli, celery, and cauliflower harvests continued in the Salinas Valley, and brussel sprout harvest began. Very warm temperatures caused defects in lettuce crops. Squash harvest continued along the Central Coast. Bell pepper harvest finished in the Coachella Valley.


Non-irrigated pasture quality deterioration continued. Foothill rangeland and non-irrigated pasture were reported to be in good to mostly fair condition. Irrigated pasture remained in good to excellent condition. Cattle grazed primarily on low and mid-elevation ranges. Bees were active in squash and melon fields. Sheep grazed on fallow fields and retired farmland.

California Ag News, Delivered Weekly.


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