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Senators Introduce Bill to Protect and Invest in Farmland Used for Renewable Energy Developments

Information sourced by Senator Baldwin's press release

Last month, U.S. Senators Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) and Chuck Grassley (R-IA) introduced the Protecting Future Farmland Act, new legislation to support farmers’ land stewardship efforts as many choose to deploy solar energy on their land. The legislation will ensure that federal investment in rural energy projects prioritizes both land stewardship and responsible deployment of renewable energy to protect America’s farmlands for future cultivation.

As the demand for renewable energy grows to cut energy costs, reduce reliance on foreign oil, and combat climate change, agricultural landowners are increasingly interested in using their land for solar energy production. About 83% of new solar projects are installed on farmland and ranchland, with almost 50% placed on the most productive, versatile, and resilient land.

But despite the growing number of solar farms in rural America, there is no current coordinated federal strategy for land management below solar arrays. As such, many farmers, land owners, and those in rural communities are concerned about the quality of agricultural land after a solar lease ends, as well as the impact of energy installations on soil and water.

“While many farmers are choosing to expand clean, renewable energy – supporting energy independence and increasing revenues of their operation – we need to support our farmers’ land stewardship efforts and help them protect the farmland that is critical to the future of our rural economies and national food security,” said Senator Baldwin. “I am proud to partner with my Republican colleague to lead legislation that will give our farmers who want to expand solar operations the tools they need to continue responsibly managing our soil, water and nation’s heartland.”

In light of more American landowners engaging in renewable energy production, while recognizing the need to preserve farmlands that are critical to our rural economies and our nation’s food security, the Protecting Future Farmland Act would:

  • Prioritize federal assistance to those renewable energy projects (through existing Rural Energy for America Program) that have in place soil, water, and vegetation management and conservation plans.

  • Collect data on conversion of farmland to solar energy and directs the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to deliver a report to Congress on the benefits and impacts of solar energy development on agricultural land.

  • Authorize the National Resources Conservation Service to develop best practices for protection of soil health and productivity during the siting, construction, operation, and decommissioning of solar energy systems on agricultural land.

  • Authorize the National Resources Conservation Service to provide technical assistance to farmers growing crops or managing grazing below or in tandem with solar energy systems.

  • Define agrivoltaic systems and authorize USDA to conduct a study on agrivoltaic systems including compatibility and risk-benefit analyses. Agrivoltaics, the co-location of agricultural production (crop production, livestock grazing, and pollinator habitat) with solar energy infrastructure, has the potential to reduce land-use conflicts and provide additional benefits to farmers, rural communities, and the solar industry.

A one-pager on this bill is available here. Full text of this legislation is available here.


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