The USDA is releasing more money in the absence of a new farm bill, which farmers were hoping would help address a record trade deficit. This week, Deputy Agriculture Secretary Xochitl Torres Small with the USDA announced that they would make an additional $300 million available through the Regional Agricultural Promotion Program to help grow export markets for American farm and food products around the world.
“Access to international markets supports U.S. farmers at home and food security throughout the world,” said Deputy Secretary Torres Small. “Given the importance of exports in supporting farm income and rural economic development, we’re delighted to be able to make an additional $300 million available this year.”
Secretary Vilsack announced in October 2023 that USDA would use $1.2 billion from the Commodity Credit Corporation to establish RAPP to help U.S. exporters expand their customer base beyond established markets such as China, Mexico and Canada, which collectively account for nearly half of all current export sales. In May, USDA allocated the first $300 million in RAPP funding to 66 U.S. organizations to implement hundreds of market development projects focusing on a wide range of products and markets.
Applications for this round of funding are due Oct. 4, with awards set to be announced by the end of the year. As with the first round of RAPP funding, USDA is again setting aside $25 million specifically for activities in Africa, which has the some of the fastest-growing economies – but the lowest levels of U.S. export market investment – of any region in the world.